Debugging Rust Applications

Are you tired of spending hours trying to figure out why your Rust application is not working as expected? Do you want to learn how to debug your Rust code like a pro? Look no further! In this article, we will explore the best practices for debugging Rust applications.

Why Debugging is Important

Debugging is an essential part of software development. It helps developers identify and fix errors in their code, ensuring that the application works as intended. Debugging also helps developers understand how their code works, which can lead to better design decisions and more efficient code.

Debugging Tools

Rust provides several tools for debugging applications. The most common tools are:

Debugging Techniques

Now that we know the tools available for debugging Rust applications, let's explore some techniques for using them effectively.

1. Use println!() for Quick Debugging

When you encounter a problem in your code, the quickest way to debug it is to use println!(). This macro allows you to print the value of variables or the execution flow of the program. For example:

fn main() {
    let x = 42;
    println!("x = {}", x);

This will print "x = 42" to the console. You can use this technique to print the value of variables at different points in the program to understand how they change.

2. Use assert!() for Assertions

Assertions are a way to check if a condition is true. If the condition is false, the program will panic and print an error message. This is useful for catching bugs early in development. For example:

fn divide(x: i32, y: i32) -> i32 {
    assert!(y != 0, "Cannot divide by zero");
    x / y

This will panic if y is zero, preventing the program from continuing with an invalid operation.

3. Use debug_assert!() for Debug-only Assertions

Debug-only assertions are similar to regular assertions, but they only run in debug mode. This means that they will not be included in the final release build. This is useful for catching bugs during development without affecting the performance of the final product. For example:

fn divide(x: i32, y: i32) -> i32 {
    debug_assert!(y != 0, "Cannot divide by zero");
    x / y

This will only check the assertion in debug mode, allowing for faster execution in release mode.

4. Use log for Flexible Logging

Logging is a way to record messages at different levels (debug, info, warn, error) and to customize the output format. This is useful for understanding how the program behaves in different scenarios. For example:

use log::{debug, info, warn, error};

fn main() {

    debug!("Debug message");
    info!("Info message");
    warn!("Warn message");
    error!("Error message");

This will log messages at different levels to the console, with different colors and formats.

5. Use gdb or lldb for Advanced Debugging

If the previous techniques are not enough to solve the problem, you can use a debugger to step through the code and inspect variables. This is useful for understanding how the program behaves at a low level. For example:

fn main() {
    let mut x = 0;
    for i in 0..10 {
        x += i;
    println!("x = {}", x);

If we want to inspect the value of x at each iteration of the loop, we can use gdb or lldb to set a breakpoint and step through the code:

$ rust-gdb target/debug/myapp
(gdb) break
(gdb) run
(gdb) next
(gdb) print x

This will print the value of x at each iteration of the loop.


Debugging is an essential part of software development. Rust provides several tools for debugging applications, including println!(), assert!(), debug_assert!(), log, gdb, and lldb. By using these tools effectively, developers can identify and fix errors in their code, ensuring that the application works as intended. Happy debugging!

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Written by AI researcher, Haskell Ruska, PhD ( Scientific Journal of AI 2023, Peer Reviewed